Tuesday, May 31, 2011



Center for Transit-Oriented Development
The Center for Transit-Oriented Development is the only national nonprofit effort dedicated to providing best practices, research and tools to support market-based transit-oriented development.

CTOD partners with both the public and private sectors to strategize about ways to encourage the development of high-performing TOD projects around transit stations and to build transit systems that maximize the development potential.

American cities have experienced significant employment decentralization over the last 60 years as jobs have shifted from urban downtowns to suburban communities.

This “employment sprawl” has helped to generate much of the traffic congestion experienced today, swelled infrastructure costs, consumed open space and increased the bite that transportation takes out of household incomes.

The Center for Transit-Oriented Development released a pair of studies exploring the impact of job sprawl and the importance of linking employment centers with transit.

Go to the site and read it, or suffer with $10 a gallon gasoline.

This concludes our top 25favorite websites, blogs & links that lead to great information on urbanism, planning, travel, sustainability, universal design, wheelchair access and travel. Our listings are in no particular order.

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