Thursday, July 11, 2024



VAR has made the creation of new housing the association’s top priority,” said Kathleen Sweeten, VAR CEO. “VAR supports policies that will create ownership and rental opportunities for workforce housing and the provision of incentives for employers who invest in the creation of housing for their employees. We support policies that will expand availability and affordability for homeownership.”

Bristol Cohousing in Bristol, Vt., is a good example of a cottage court.

“We’ve seen a shift in the conversation in Vermont. The NIMBY comments common years ago are changing because the housing crisis has become so acute,” said Jacob Hemmerick, AICP, community planning & policy manager for the Vermont Department of Housing & Community Development. “Their kids can’t buy a home. Their grandkids can’t buy a home. Seniors can’t downsize. Their favorite hamburger shop is closing because they can’t find workers.”

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