Sunday, December 3, 2017


Maybe it was the tax plan aimed at only benefiting the super rich.

Maybe it was reading about GOP plan to stack Federal courts far and wide, so their unconstitutional laws will never be repealed.

Maybe it was the endless manipulation of access to affordable healthcare, starving off the so-called Obamacare.

Maybe it was the indignity of having a POTUS get into name-calling Twitter rants that would be shameful behavior by a petulant 12 year old, not a 70-something supposed leader of the free world.

Something broke the camel's back and I approached an acquaintance -- who once was a free thinker -- who voted for Trump in a fury of repeating silly soundbites and hateful rhetoric.

This person once could be moved by facts and evidence, not bullying and B.S.

So I asked them, what exactly has their (not my) president done to move the Country forward?

They stumbled around, mentioned getting rid of special interests (I guess they no longer have to lobby, since they have their own fox guarding the henhouse vampires directing regulatory agencies and holding cabinet level positions.)

He said government is getting smaller (not sure how that adds up, with more than a trillion in deficit being racked up, just so folks worth hundreds of millions can pay tiny tax bills like they were $50K gross income households).

I finally said, you know you made a mistake. I should be putting you on the spot, but can you just say this guy is a disaster.

Well, backed into a corner, my friend had renewed confidence. Old KKK-loving #45 might not be setting the world on fire, but he's better than her.

Oh, so Trump is our savior because Clinton would have been much, much worse.  Oh, I get it now.

I get it that some kind of Tribal loyalty rules over any sense of reason, logic, truth, facts, etc.

More on this Hillary would have been worse flawed logic next Sunday.

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