Monday, October 21, 2019



In the past two years, I have had the good fortune to visit Rome, Paris, Istanbul, Naples, Ait Ben Haddou, Oaxaca, Marrakech and USA destinations too numerous to list.

In the past decade, I have been to Argentina, Uruguay, Brazl, Guatemala, Nicaragua, Colombia, Costa Rica, the Dominican Republic, Guanajuato and several other destinations in South, Central and Spanish-speaking North America.

Each time, I have come back with not just an exposure to great architecture, cuisine, art and culture -- but also an increased empathy for others.

I grew up very sheltered in the Midwest. My family's idea of a far away foreign nation was Canada -- crossing the bridge in Niagra Falls back in pre 911 days when they barely looked at your ID. A big cultural exposure was driving the station wagon to the Blue Ridge Parkway.

I my journeys, I have formed an intense appreciation for all people of all abilities/disabilities, religions/no religion, gender/gender identity/orientation, race/ethnicity, etc.

My solemn wish, from the White House to the local person who hides behind hatred in online comments to news stories and in angry/hurtful social media blasts, is that 2020 will be a year when we can all embrace our humanity, appreciate our diversity and practice the Golden Rule.

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