Thursday, December 24, 2020


Planning, Zoning and other Land Use Policy Best Practices to Erase Errors of the Past that Perpetuated Bias and Deepened Inequality

Brown urges planning professionals to evaluate projects and plans through the lens of equity. 

He said defined equity as the presence of justice and fairness within the procedures and processes by an institution. 

Adapting forms of justice developed by Setha Low, director of the Public Space Research Group at the City University of New York.

Brown has detailed how the pursuit of justice should impact planning:

Distributive Justice. 

We must ask who has physical access to that street, that park, that trail, that building?

That applies to pedestrians, persons with disabilities, the modes in which a person can access a street or trail. 

It examines public transit vs. driving disparities.

It evaluates the impact of an auto-centric environment. We must ensure that transportation includes (space and safety) for bikes, people with disabilities, micro mobility, and pedestrians.

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