Saturday, September 14, 2019


The High Cost of Resiliency Efforts and the Hope that 
Lies in Wise Government Planning and Spending

Miami’s endless cycle of condo booms and busts has lined coastal acreage with miles of homes, and some prestigious office towers, of extremely wealthy people. 

People who, Jim Murley notes, are not predisposed to retreating or waiving the white flag of defeat. 

Murley is the chief resiliency officer for Miami-Dade County, responsible for securing the county’s fate over the next century as sea levels are expected to rise by at least one foot.

He has decades of experience in planning in the Sunshine State, including serving as secretary of the Florida Department of Community Affairs and executive director of the South Florida Regional Planning Council. 

Murley said even when looking at building new or upgrading old buildings operated by the county — which includes some of the largest airports, seaports and transit systems in the nation — climate adaptation looms large. 

Officials have to look at worst case scenarios both for the slow but inevitable creep of rising seas and the fast and devastating hit from storm surge.

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