Saturday, October 22, 2016



One year walking this earth for every card in the deck.

More than 30 of it spent with my wonderful wife, Heidi.

The past nearly two without my late father, Ken.

Product of small town Midwest, far outside Cleveland and just outside the smokestacks of Akron.

Moved to South Florida on Election Day 2000.

Almost 15 years in our historic Little Havana house.

Put half what we paid for it into restoration.

Will be paid off in fewer than 2 years.

Hard wood floors, some in need of carpentry and a refinish.

Good bones, lots of abuse in its nearly hundred years.

Beaten a bit, not unlike my body after its more than half century in the rain, snow, wind and sun.

Would ask for a re-do on anything.

Learned from my mistakes.

Treasured every friendship.

Knew when to leave a job when the bosses or owners were toxic.

Reinvented myself at least three times....means prolly a pair of reinventions still on the road ahead.

No desire to live past average life expectancy.

Why be greedy about it.

Have already outlived a lot of classmates and rock stars.

Unafraid of what's on the other side.

For sure, no more bills.

No more Testigos banging on my door to wake me from a Saturday nap.

Just long, long rest would suit me fine.

Until then, lots of rescue cats to take care of.

And blog posts to write.

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